Title: The True Color
Submitter: Hunter
Description: Isn’t a birthday present for you anymore because it’s oold and,… ehem. I did it back in February, I think. It’s only a small giftart for you anymore :P
Back to the picture:
I know Hunter can’t hold up herself in this way, but it’s ought to look like this. Hit me, I’m corrupt badly lately –shot-
Anyways, hope you like it a bit!
Title: Forever mine
Submitter: Hunter
Description: Sorry, I had to upload someting afer a long time of nothing here. And I hope it's not bad drawing a none Nimh realated stuff. Even this is old and DB already knows it, hope you all like it a bit.
Title: Feel better
Submitter: Hunter
Description: ...but this was the best place I could think of for uploading.
Title: Despite
Submitter: Hunter
Summary: For the sake of nostlagia, my latest picture of Hunter and Rovan ...~
Description: For the sake of nostlagia, my latest picture of Hunter and Rovan ...~
"We're safe now"
"[i]We[/i] are ...", she whispered.